Adopting Energy-Efficient Pumps with Utility and Industry Support
- Christopher Sullivan-Trainor, Consortium for Energy Efficiency
- Peter Gaydon and Matthew Derner, Hydraulic Institute and Pump Systems Matter
- Warren Fish, Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance
- Adan Rosillo, Pacific Gas and Electric
- Mary Jane Poynter, VEIC
Presented at the 2022 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, this paper provides an overview and analysis of different approaches to accelerating the availability and installation of highly efficient pump systems with the advent of new wire-to-water comparable energy performance metrics.
It highlights the importance and impact of utility and industry collaboration and identifies pathways to realize equipment level impact as systems take increasing priority. As some utility programs evolve to focus on market transformation and decarbonization in addition to cost-effective kilowatt-hour savings, equipment manufacturers are developing more efficient and complex solutions and leveraging connectivity.
It takes binational consistent, focused support from both groups to realize new equipment category savings.
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