
Efficiency Vermont
Created in 2000, this first of its kind statewide energy efficiency utility has helped the state transition to a more affordable and cleaner energy future. By working with local partners and supply chain leaders, Efficiency Vermont is bringing the most energy-efficient technologies to market, strengthening the state’s economy, and lowering carbon emissions. Our work has established Vermont as a national leader in energy efficiency.

District of Columbia
Sustainable Energy Utility
Sustainable Energy Utility
The DC Sustainable Energy Utility (DCSEU) offers energy efficiency and renewable energy services to ratepayers throughout DC. This unique program seeks not only to reduce energy, but also to create green jobs, support workforce development, and develop local businesses in the green economy. We align our work with the District’s strong community engagement practices and support the DC Government with its high-performing energy-saving initiatives for the city’s residents, commercial, and institutional buildings.

Efficiency Smart
Since 2011, Efficiency Smart has offered energy efficiency services to more than 60 American Municipal Power, Inc. (AMP) member utilities in Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. AMP is a wholesale power supplier for municipal electric utilities. Efficiency Smart provides technical advice and financial incentives for residential and business customers of participating AMP member utilities.

Renewable Energy
Resource Center
Resource Center
VEIC administers this renewable energy incentive program on behalf of Vermont’s Clean Energy Development Fund. We offer information on solar, wind, and other renewable systems and how they work. Homeowners, multifamily housing owners, and local dealers can obtain everything they need to know to take advantage of the available incentives throughout Vermont.

Drive Electric Vermont
This one-stop shop for information on electric vehicles serves policy makers, industry leaders, fleet owners, and drivers. DEV offers transportation efficiency resources relating to system infrastructure, regulation, codes and standards, legislation, other policy matters, finance, and incentives for these audiences. For drivers, DEV’s website compares the features of electric vehicle models. It also describes emerging technologies, with easy-to-understand marketing and outreach materials to support clean-energy transportation systems in rural and urban areas.