A little bit about Ethan

My job, one sentence
Saving the planet - or that's what I tell my kids. My job is to smooth the way towards a sustainable refrigeration future by making sure customers know exactly what they are buying and what the lifetime energy and environmental costs are of those purchasing decisions.
VEIC took a chance on me when I was just 21 years old and has always given me the space and time to explore new environmental opportunities. There is always a sense at VEIC of exploring what is coming next in terms of energy and the environment. Also our team here is second to none. If you have questions about anything mechanical you will find an expert at VEIC.
When I am not working
I've got two young kids and a third on the way, so that's a lot of my time. My wife and I also run a beef business on the side so the weekends are typically playing with steers, fixing fence, or learning about new pasture intensive techniques.
Hypothetical dinner party guests
Dave Chappelle, Benjamin Franklin, and Dolly Parton
The people I work with
My family. I've got a really close relationship with the people that I work with. They lift me up and I try and make sure that I can do the same with them too. I couldn't do what I do without a large interconnected team to share thoughts and ideas with.