Introducing the new VEIC
Make an impact. After months of strategic and creative brainstorming, these three words became the foundation for what we are proud to present to the world today – the new VEIC. We’ve designed a brand that rises to the occasion of rapid change and increased need. And now, with change and need more prevalent than any point in our company’s history, we feel the time is right to fully embody and share our redesigned identity.
In the first quarter of 2020, we conducted a stakeholder survey that revealed 98% of energy sector leaders believe the industry is changing, with 60% expressing that it is changing faster than ever. We collected input to better understand the challenges our clients and partners are facing, and to get to the heart of what makes working with VEIC different. This research made clear that in this rapidly evolving industry, it was time for a refresh.
Since our initial stakeholder survey, the world has changed even more significantly in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Over the past two months we’ve continued to check in with our clients and partners to track the new challenges they are facing in this time of economic stress and uncertainty. We’ve heard from our stakeholders that above all else, clarity is crucial. This principle is at the center of the new VEIC.
We are eager to share the result of this brand journey. A new logo, fresh brand imagery, and a new website, with a clear outline of our service offerings, an emphasis on our results, and an introduction to our team – the people you’ll work with most. Putting “make an impact” into action means that everything we do is focused on reducing greenhouse gas emissions for the benefit of all people. Creatively, it translates to stripping away complexity and letting our work speak for itself.
Our refined mission is to generate the energy solutions the world needs. We are committed to this work and we believe in its importance now more than ever. If we are truly going to achieve our vision – healthy planet, thriving people – we need to show up with purpose and make an impact.
“Our team has done a tremendous job on this project. Our identity, our photography, our simplified website, and our clear emphasis on impact all work together to tell the story of VEIC. It’s important to acknowledge that this brand doesn’t change who we are – we’ve always been an innovative, mission-driven company. This new brand changes how the world sees us, how new clients meet us, and how our staff represent us. We’re excited to share it with you.” – Jim Madej, VEIC CEO
We want to hear what you think and how we can best partner with you. Please explore our new website and get in touch – we look forward to making an impact together.
Press Contact
Attn: Mike HabermanVEIC
20 Winooski Falls Way
5th Floor
Winooski, VT 05404