Photo of Alison Donovan

Alison works with clients throughout New England, connecting them to VEIC services that can help them achieve their goals. Her approach involves understanding client objectives, hurdles, and the existing resources that can be leveraged. This results in highly effective programs that naturally integrate into current state projects.

With over 25 years of experience in the clean energy sector, Alison brings a deep understanding of energy efficiency technologies, programs, and policies. She enjoys working with clients to share emerging solutions that can overcome their specific barriers. Alison leads VEIC’s Zero Energy Modular (ZEM) program which brings healthy, affordable, and environmentally beneficial modular homes to low-income home buyers around the country.

Alison is encouraged by the progress the clean energy industry has made but knows there's more to do. She works with energy offices, utilities, and foundations to ensure the benefits of clean energy reach our most vulnerable populations.

When she's not at work, Alison is fixing up her old house and spending as much time outdoors with her family as possible.

“Energy efficiency, clean transportation, and renewables save money, reduce pollution, and improve communities while also creating green jobs of the future. It’s incredibly fulfilling to share our solutions with clients and watch those innovative ideas come to life.”

Who We Are

VEIC provides services under a broad clean energy umbrella that includes energy efficiency, building decarbonization, transportation electrification, and clean and flexible grid solutions. We work with utilities, state energy offices, transit agencies, non-profits, businesses, and more to advance electrification and decarbonization efforts across the country. From decarbonization program planning and implementation to federal funding services, we help clients achieve their goals and make an impact.

Reach out today so the VEIC team can learn more about your building electrification and energy efficiency ideas.

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