The Value of Energy Efficiency: Past Successes and Future Strategies
For decades, energy efficiency programs have delivered significant environmental, economic, and societal value. They have transformed markets for efficient lighting and appliances, created green jobs, improved the health and safety of buildings, and reduced energy bills for consumers. Now, the value of energy efficiency is changing. This paper draws on VEIC’s 35 years of expertise in designing and scaling solutions for clean energy, along with independent research we commissioned, to assess the value of energy efficiency, both past and future.
In 2017, VEIC commissioned Synapse Energy Economics, Inc. to undertake a two-part study that examined:
- The utility costs and benefits of energy efficiency from 2010 to 2016
- The projected utility costs and benefits from energy efficiency from 2016 through 2030
In estimating value for 2030, the study considered increasing marginal costs for efficiency resources. The findings indicate that maintaining or increasing levels of energy efficiency initiatives provides net benefits in every state and in every power system operator’s electric balancing area, nationwide.
We also summarize future strategies for success, to ensure that energy efficiency continues to be a core element of clean-energy policy and portfolios.
Maintaining or increasing the level of energy efficiency provides net benefits in every state.
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