VEIC to develop a statewide Technical Reference Manual for Missouri
VEIC will develop a key tool for helping state agencies, electric and gas utilities, and clean energy advocates throughout Missouri with energy efficiency program planning by developing a statewide Technical Reference Manual (TRM).
VEIC will draw upon its deep experience developing TRMs in other states to provide a tool to Missouri utilities that provides a transparent, consistent set of standard measures for evaluating, measuring, and verifying energy efficiency savings.
Missouri is one of 11 states that received funding from the U.S. Department of Energy’s State Energy Program to expand energy efficiency and renewable energy efforts. The Missouri Department of Economic Development, Division of Energy received $268,000 to work with VEIC to facilitate coordinated program planning across all Missouri utilities.
The state estimates this resource could stimulate an additional 20% participation rate by utilities in providing efficiency programs to meet their mandated targets.
“TRMs are critical to energy efficiency program management because they provide standardized savings metrics for energy efficient lighting, appliances, motors, heating systems and many other measures,” said Cheryl Jenkins, Associate Director of Consulting, VEIC. “With this tool, Missouri energy regulators, utilities, and advocates will have a standardized resource that establishes and verifies energy savings and cost reductions they can expect in return for investments made in energy efficiency.”
Partners in this project include: the Missouri Public Service Commission, MO Dept. of Natural Resources, MO Office of Public Counsel, and state utilities including: Ameren MO; Empire District Electric; Kansas City Power & Light; Laclede Gas Company; MO American Water Company; and Summit Natural Gas. Other non-profits also are participating as partners, including MO Energy Initiative, NRDC of Chicago, Renew MO, and the Sierra Club.
Additionally, this project will further the objectives set forth through the Missouri Statewide Energy Plan to:
- advance and coordinate energy efficiency programs and drive customer savings across the state;
- build on the regulatory guidance provided through the Missouri Energy Efficiency Investment Act (MEEIA); and
- leverage the successful stakeholder engagement process that was used to develop the state’s comprehensive energy plan.
VEIC has been involved with every aspect of electric and gas TRM development and maintenance, starting with the first Technical Reference Manual developed by VEIC for Efficiency Vermont in 2000. Since then, VEIC has led the development of other statewide TRMs in the Midwest for Ohio, Illinois, and Iowa, as well as a regional TRM for the Mid-Atlantic states.
For updates on project progress visit:
Press Contact
Attn: Mike HabermanVEIC
20 Winooski Falls Way
5th Floor
Winooski, VT 05404