
Two energy efficiency utilities operated by VEIC have been named 2018 ENERGY STAR® Partners of the Year.

The DC Sustainable Energy Utility (DCSEU) and Efficiency Vermont were acknowledged for their work to increase awareness of ENERGY STAR certified efficient products and technologies, to effectively deliver energy efficiency programs to their customers, and to dedicate efforts toward serving hard-to-reach populations. These accomplishments will be recognized by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy at a ceremony in Washington, D.C. on April 20, 2018.

For 32 years VEIC has worked to advance sustainable energy practices in an effort to enhance the economic, environmental, and societal benefits of clean and efficient energy use. It is headquartered in Burlington, VT with regional offices in D.C. and Ohio, and employs more than 300 people across the United States. Through the operation of the DCSEU and Efficiency Vermont, VEIC has helped to generate significant monetary savings and reduce harmful emissions for the customers and communities it serves.

VEIC is proud to celebrate this valuable benchmark of success for the DCSEU and Efficiency Vermont. Our partnerships with ENERGY STAR help us to further our mission and provide comprehensive services to our customers,” said Jim Madej, Chief Executive Officer of VEIC. “We will build upon this success by continuing to strive for excellence in our program design and delivery, and by working even harder to reach underserved populations across the country.

The DCSEU is tasked by the Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE) to reduce the District of Columbia’s energy use and bring renewable energy to the District. Since its inception in 2011, the DCSEU’s work has resulted in more than $600 million in lifetime energy cost savings, and has prevented the lifetime emission of 3.5 million metric tons of carbon.

The DCSEU is very proud to be recognized by the EPA. The promotion of energy efficiency, and with it raising awareness for ENERGY STAR among all residents of the District, lies at the core of our mission, said Ted Trabue, Managing Director of the DCSEU.

Efficiency Vermont was created by the Vermont Legislature to help all Vermonters reduce energy costs, strengthen the economy, and protect the environment. Efficiency Vermont programs work hand-in-glove with the ENERGY STAR brand by providing customers with information and incentives to encourage the use of high quality efficient products, and by helping to track and measure efficiency improvements as customers strive for ENERGY STAR certification.

Efficiency Vermont has partnered with ENERGY STAR for 18 years to identify, test, and push the boundaries of energy efficiency. Consumers have grown to trust the ENERGY STAR logo as a symbol of quality which, combined with Efficiency Vermont customer support, education, incentives, and programs, continues to help Vermonters invest in energy efficiency, said Efficiency Vermont Director Karen Glitman. Since 2000 Efficiency Vermont’s partnership with ENERGY STAR has helped Vermonters save more than $2.4 billion over the lifetime of the efficiency measures they’ve invested in, and those savings grow each year with investments in new technologies and products. We are grateful for this recognition and for our partnership with ENERGY STAR.

For a complete list of 2018 winners and more information about ENERGY STAR’s awards program, visit

Attn: Mike Haberman
20 Winooski Falls Way
5th Floor
Winooski, VT 05404