
On November 14, 2018, Ken Tohinaka, a founding member of the VEIC Board and longtime VEIC employee, passed away. Ken was a dear friend to his colleagues, a mentor to many people and organizations throughout Vermont and the United States, and a highly respected clean energy professional.

Ken was a lifelong advocate for energy efficiency and building science. He used his analytical, inquisitive, and philosophical skills, along with humor and care to advance sustainable energy over 40 years. He gave his effort unselfishly to this cause.

On April 19, 2019, the Vermont House of Representatives honored Ken for his leadership in clean energy by passing a legislative resolution. It acknowledged milestones throughout his life, commended his impacts on advancing weatherization, and recognized his passion for the Boston Red Sox.

To honor and carry forward Ken's legacy, his friends and long-time colleagues have created the Ken Tohinaka Memorial Fund (KTMF). The fund will further advance energy efficiency and building science through grants to individuals and organizations. It will be managed by VEIC. A Grants Committee for the KTMF will solicit applications on an annual basis and will recommend awards to grantees that meet the mission of the fund.

The first-year goal of the fund is to raise up to $20,000 and award the first grants in the fall of 2019. Anyone who is interested can make a gift to the fund to honor Ken's memory and support his life's work. Each gift is tax-deductible, and will receive an acknowledgement. Donors will also be informed of the grant applications and the grant awards.

To contribute, print and complete a donor response form, enclose it along with your donation (checks only) and deliver it to:

Jessica Lasher
128 Lakeside Avenue Suite 401
Burlington, VT 05401

Any questions about the fund should be directed to Beth Sachs [email protected], Jeremy King [email protected], or David Cawley [email protected]. Learn more about Ken's life and legacy.

Attn: Mike Haberman
20 Winooski Falls Way
5th Floor
Winooski, VT 05404