ACEEE Hot Water and Hot Air Forum
ACEEE’s Hot Air and Hot Water Forums are the nation’s premier policy and technical conferences devoted to improving efficiency and decarbonizing space and water heating. Join us in 2025 for discussions exploring efficiently producing, distributing, and using hot water and decarbonizing space heating in buildings of all kinds through heat pumps.
Join the "Bringing Advanced, Efficient Space Conditioning to New Markets" session on window heat pumps. Window heat pumps are an emerging packaged air source heat pump implementation promising portability, simplicity, and rapid deployment to market segments that can be difficult to serve, such as multifamily buildings and rented single family homes. Hear VEIC’s Jake Marin share his experiences bringing renters through the “DIY” process of installing a window heat pump in Vermont.
Join the "Residential Program Design: Bridging the Gap from Supply Chain to End Use" session to discover the key drivers behind the successful adoption of heat pump water heaters across the supply chain, from distributors to homeowners. VEIC's Meghan Harwood discusses "Empowering Access and Affordability with Homeowner DIY HPWH Installations."
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