VEIC Author
Kate Desrochers
Rabi Vandergon
Frances Huessy
Damon Lane
David Hill
Partners & Clients
US Department of Energy
State of Vermont

This Summary Report for the Vermont Solar Market Pathways project is the product of two years of stakeholder engagement, data gathering, and analysis, the specific aims of which are to answer the question: What does it take to advance a state’s solar economy sufficiently to meet one of the nation’s most ambitious energy goals? Vermont has such a goal: meeting 90 percent of the state’s total energy needs with renewable energy resources by 2050, with several milestones at 2025 and 2035. In particular, this project sought to determine the policy actions necessary to meet 20 percent of that 90 percent goal with solar resources only. The project’s data gathering, research, and analysis depended on comprehensive stakeholder engagement, described throughout this report. With funding from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), this work supports the objectives of the Solar Market Pathways program of DOE's SunShot Initiative. In particular, it informs current and future efforts in demonstrating the increasing affordability and advisability of solar energy from the perspective of policy makers.

Summary of the research findings from 2016

Combined Report: summary and detailed reports listed below

Detailed Reports:

Focus Areas Briefs: background research on topics connected to advanced solar: heat pumps, electric cars, policy and incentives, etc.

Barriers and Integration Brief: challenges in adding this much solar to the grid

Methods and Detail tables: inputs, assumptions and more granular results

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