Partners & Clients
Energy Solutions
The Association for Energy Affordability


  • Emily Kehmeier, Energy Solutions
  • Christine Riker, Energy Solutions
  • JJ Vandette, VEIC
  • Nick Dirr, Association for Energy Affordability

Presented at the 2022 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, this paper provides an overview of the TECH Market Readiness for Heat Pump Water Heaters (HPWH) Load Shifting Pilot. 

The Pilot is part of TECH Clean California, a statewide inititiative designed to inrease installations of heat pumps for residential heating and cooling and catalyze the supply chain with incentives and training. VEIC is proud to be part of the TECH administration team. 

As heat pump water heaters replace gas loads with electric loads, it is important to harness their thermal energy storage capabilities as a load-shifting resource that will help balance the grid rather than straining it. 

The TECH Market Readiness for HPWH Load Shifting Pilot (“the Pilot”) tests the hypothesis that contractors will be critical market partners in facilitating grid connection during the time of installation, provided they receive effective outreach and interventions.

The pilot team and authors combine their experience implementing grid-interactive and demand response pilots with literature reviews, market research, contractor feedback, and industry collaboration to design and launch the pilot, and develop strategies and collateral for effective contractor engagement.

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